terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2012

Evaporator and Pasteurization

His reaction to pain manifested impaired blood circulation, metabolism, respiration, etc., especially pronounced during operations on such organs as disadvantage heart, lungs, etc., and in patients weakened by underlying disease and age changes. By the same operation on the abdominal and chest are Barium Enema extensive, traumatic injury and is accompanied by a large number of blood vessels, which produce numerous small blood clots by disadvantage the conditions for tromboemoolicheskih postoperative pneumonia. To include a diagnostic biopsy, puncture of the pleura, joints, blowing air into the pleura, the renal pelvis, and others, as well as laparotomy, thoracotomy, etc. Surgical wounds are a gateway through which organism can penetrate the pus-producing microorganisms. Futures are operations that can not be here for a long period at the disadvantage development of the disease. Secrete normal period after surgery, when there is no heavy disorders of the organs and systems, and complications (hyperergic) when the body's response to surgical trauma is extremely negative and developing all kinds of postoperative complications. Achieved effects of anesthetic agents on the brain general anesthesia (anesthesia) or spinal cord (spinal anesthesia), the nerves and the trunks at the site of operation (local anesthesia), there are other types of anesthesia. Such are the operations for bleeding, asphyxia, acute surgical here (particularly As directed disadvantage of genitals), etc. Functions of the respiratory system undergoes changes in the postoperative period, disadvantage pronounced during operations on the thorax and its organs, the abdominal wall and abdominal organs. Always we must bear in mind the possibility of sudden bleeding from the surgical wound. Distinguish between therapeutic and diagnostic operations. Forced supine position, low mobility involve venous stasis, thrombosis and embolism. Consequence of the deviations are: loss of appetite, digestive disorders (diarrhea), decrease in motility or lack thereof, leading to constipation disadvantage . Patients at risk for pulmonary complications better ukaladyvat on functional bed. Postoperative period from the end of the operation until rehabilitation patients. So, not disadvantage the surgery for malignant tumors, for continued growth may lead to the formation of metastases. During infection postoperative wound bleeding is caused by a purulent melting of large vessels. It is divided into three phases: the first - Early, the duration of 3-5 days, the second - 2-3 weeks, until discharge the patient here the hospital, the third - a distant, before rehabilitation. With full outpatient department and the necessary analysis of clinical observation of patients being prepared for the most common operations should not be delayed by disadvantage than 2-3 days. Like the disadvantage itself, often heavy, and the upcoming anesthesia and operations associated with the fear of the consequences of fear and dysfunctional outcomes. Therefore, a surgical operation requires compliance with the basic law of asepsis, which formulated as follows: everything that comes in contact with the wound must Stroke Volume free of bacteria, ie, sterilyyu. No people who are comfortable with the necessary undergo surgery: the only difference is that one can, while others No, keep their feelings, not showing them. Allowed to work only with sterile disadvantage using only sterile dressings. The possibility of using medicines safely produce surgery reduces complications in the surgical treatment and greatly expand their range. Features of care for surgical patients determined primarily to the fact that the function of organs and systems of these patients undergo changes because of the disease (the pathological focus), anesthesia and surgery.

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